Nuwarra Public School

Excellence, Innovation, Opportunity

Telephone02 9601 1990



All students of Nuwarra Public School are expected to wear school uniform, including school hats. 

These may be purchased through School Locker. The school has a limited supply of pre-loved uniforms located at the front office for purchase. School Locker prices are listed below.

Shoes (DOCX 159 KB)

The Nuwarra Public School P&C organises a second-hand uniform stall every Term in Week 7 on a Wednesday afternoon (2:50 pm to 3:15 pm). The stall will be set up in the main COLA, just outside the hall (weather permitting). A gold coin donation for each item would be appreciated.

If you have any uniform items that you would like to donate to the stall, please place them in a bag labelled ‘P&C Second Hand Uniform’ and drop them off at the office.

Updated April 2024